Saturday 30 March 2019

Book Review: Gravity Is The Thing by Jaclyn Moriarty

I was recently given the opportunity to read Gravity Is The Thing, and I have to admit that the first 25 or so pages didn't really grab me.
Looking back, I think the reason is that it was just so different to anything I have read in a while, but I am SO glad that I persevered, as I absolutely loved this book!
Yes, it is different and unique, and that is what makes the story so captivating.
I read this within a matter of days as I couldn't stop thinking about it every time I put it down.

Abigail Sorensen is 35 years-old, divorced, and a single mum to her son, Oscar.  A former lawyer, she now owns and manages The Happiness Cafe in Sydney.
In 1990, Abigail's brother Robert went missing. 
The two were close in age, and close siblings; they shared everything and supported each other.
His disappearance came as a big shock to Abigail and her parents.
She has never stopped looking for him, and the impact of his absence has affected all areas of her life.

About the time of Robert's disappearance, Abigail started to receive random chapters from a self-help book called The Guidebook. 
She wonders whether her brother's disappearance and the guide are connected in any way.
So when she receives an invitation for an all-expenses-paid trip to a retreat to learn about the truth behind The Guidebook, Abigail decides to accept.
When she gets there, she meets some other people who have also accepted the invitation, and it turns out to be an intriguing weekend.
Upon returning home, she is invited to weekly seminars to further discuss The Guidebook.
It quickly becomes much more than that, as Abigail starts to connect with the others in the group, making friends and discovering herself.

The story is told in parts, and it reverts back in time on occasion, so the reader gains a deeper understanding of Abigail, and a look into the world around the time of Robert's disappearance, and also around her relationship with her ex-husband. 
All these intricate little pieces that may seem insignificant at the time all come together, and it just works. Beautifully.
I have to say that this book made me cry; I was sobbing so much in one part that I needed to stop as I couldn't even read the words on the page! So if you're prone to tearing up whilst reading a good book, then have the tissues handy!
This story touched me on a personal level, and I think that is why I enjoyed this book so much. 

I would highly recommend Gravity Is The Thing. 

Available now through Pan Macmillan Australia, RRP $29.99
For further information on this title, head here 

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