Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Book Review:  Blame by Nicole Trope

Blame is told in alternating perspectives from former best friends, Anna and Caroline (or Caro as she is better known).
We are introduced to the women a fortnight after a terrible accident has occurred, when both are taken in to the police station for questioning in relation to the accident.
Both of them tell conflicting stories, and at times, they place the blame on the other. They are each hurting and feeling guilty, and wish that the outcome had been different.
As their stories are told, we are taken back to the very beginning of their friendship, when they first met at a maternal health centre. 
Anna's daughter Maya, and Caro's daughter Lex, were both one year-old at the time.
Anna was struggling with her severely autistic daughter Maya, and Caro offered her the support and friendship she so desperately craved.
We find out how important they were to each other's lives as they each battled with their own personal issues.
So now we are left with the mystery of who is to blame for the accident?
And will forgiveness ever be possible?

I found the story a little slow at the beginning, and it took me a while to get into the characters. 
Certain scenes felt a little repetitive, most probably due to the fact that it is told from each woman's view.
But as the story unfolded, I became more drawn in.
Now that I have finished the book, I can say that I really liked it, although I would've prefered a little less focus on the police interviews, and a more detailed and lengthier conclusion.
The story touches on a lot of important topics, including prejudice and lack of understanding and/or empathy to parents of children with autism, as well as other parental, moral, and social issues.
I wouldn't describe it as light-hearted, but it is still an entertaining story.


  1. I'd actually be interested in reading this to get a feel for how special needs parents are viewed and treated in society throughout the story. I'm so immersed in the special needs world myself that I sometimes lose focus on what the majority of people think on the topic - it can be a complex and very emotional issue.

    1. I'd love to hear what you think of it if you decide to read it Kirsty.


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